Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Be Confident In Who You Are

How do you feel about yourself? Really think about it. 
How do you view yourself physically and mentally?

We have all spent some alone time during 2020. We had less distractions and had to face our truths. Our fears. Our insecurities. 

We had to reflect on our past and present. Where we have come from. Where we are going. What matters in life. What doesn’t. Who we want along our journey. Who we are willing to let go of. 

What did you learn about yourself? 

I learned when you’re confident in yourself. Meaning you accept yourself. Your flaws. Your strengths. When you truly accept yourself you are ok with any situation.  Because you build confidence in yourself. You trust yourself. You can handle anything because you know you’re strong enough to handle it. 

Have you reached this stage in your life? If you haven’t please do. 

We all need improvement. We all have to work on ourselves always but when you accept yourself you don’t project your insecurities on to others. You can have healthy relationships. You can be empathetic to others. You can process before you react. 

It’s magical. I have reached this stage. I am not perfect but I accept my flaws. I know my triggers and insecurities and they are mine alone. I don’t blame anyone for them. I can have a healthy relationship with my boyfriend because I am happy with who I am. 

Do you accept who you are?

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