Tuesday, December 22, 2020

What Are You Holding On To?

I once had a friend who was not in a great relationship. So much drama. Older couple too.  Always on a verge of divorce and separation all their marriage. Their relationship was constant on and off with each other. They even have children together. All their family and friends knew their drama. I finally said you are either in 100% or out 100%. No buts. They are still in it and am sure miserable as ever which isn't the way to live. 

You cannot live in limbo or make people feel like they are not enough. With everything in life you must give it your all or nothing. No middle ground. If you are with someone accept ALL of them. They are not in charge of your happiness. If you aren't happy leave. People do it all the time and start over and survive just fine and even happier. I did. Millions of people do.

People do not realize how everyone around you gets effected by this. People do not realize how easy it is to be happy. It is actually harder to be miserable. It takes more effort and energy to be sad and mad. It is more draining to be unhappy.

What do you choose to be? What are you holding on to?

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