Wednesday, December 16, 2020

You Deserve Happiness

I wasn’t used to someone sticking by their word or being there everyday. I wasn’t used to an abundance of love and happiness from someone. It was a while since I had that. Someone devote their time to me only. 

Now that I have that I sometimes feel it will go away. At times I get sad thinking that one day it may change. But then I realize that happiness is about the moment. Things always change. Nothing is guaranteed. 

I couldn’t live in fear of losing it without embracing the moment. I would pass up so many amazing opportunities and happiness. 

We all deserve happiness. No matter what source it comes from. You deserve happiness too. 

Just because you may have had some bad situations it doesn’t mean you should doubt someone out there can give you exactly what you need and deserve. 

Maybe mine won’t be forever but if it is I won’t pass a moment not embracing it because my heart wants to explode every moment I am happy. What love can do to you is magical. 

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