Thursday, January 2, 2020

2020 Goals Summed Up

I think it’s important. No settling. No half effort relationships and friendships. Just make yourself a priority. Love yourself. Be kind and good to others. Embrace life. Love your journey. 2020 Goals. 

You Aren’t Your Past

It’s been 10 years of a lot of things that were not aligned with who I was. As I start this new journey a lot of memories reappear. You aren’t a prisoner to anyone or any pain or any feeling. 

You aren’t alone. You don’t need to deal with any situation that doesn’t settle well with you anymore. You don’t have to be held hostage to your past or any pain. 

We can change everyday. At any moment at any second. It’s your life. Let go of your secrets and past and pain. Change today. This song reminds me of a lot that’s in me. That I realize I no longer have to hold on to any pain or sadness. 

I want a clear. Calm. Life. Simple. Happiness.  You deserve that too. These next ten years will never be anything like my last ten years. You too can change at anytime. 

What Makes You Happy?

Whatever that is...please do more of it!

Focus On Being Happy

When you’re happy you function better. At home. At work. In life. 

Awesome video!

Growth Is The Goal

2020 started out great. My kids had an awesome night. I had a great lunch with family. I saw a girlfriend that I started and got to end 2019 with. Even my favorite song played with my name in it after the count down...I mean does it get better than that!

But real growth happens with experience. Our ultimate goal in life should be to have peace and love in our hearts. I am working on my healings. What are you doing to heal?

2020 is just another year to some but to be honest my 30’s were a rollercoaster ride. My soon to be 40’s is all about self love and peace. 

Whatever and whomever doesn’t bring out the best of you doesn’t deserve space in your mind and heart. Remember that. 


Start Over Today

Live in the present. This present moment is your life. 

Did You Know Peppers

I love peppers. I eat them twice a day. Even my kids love snacking on them. 

Self Care Tips

When we are at peace within we can be at peace with others. 💗

Let Go Of Doubt

This is a fun exercise in my book I am reading. What are you having self doubt about?

You got to write it down and see your accomplishments. Be your biggest fan. I am your fan too btw 💗

Good Morning

I rolled out of bed and headed to one of my favorite places. The gym. But it wasn’t the gym that made my morning. It was the random good morning smiles and words I got from strangers.  Four of them while walking to the locker room. 

If you want to be happy spread happiness.💗

Today’s Affirmations...Doubt

Let go of it. If I could tell you over and over to let go of doubt would you? Instead do this:

Read more doubt affirmations here

Thursday Motivation: Be Amazing

You got this! 

It’s hard going back to work after a two week holiday cycle. Kids are back in school. We may not be ready for our routine or we may be dying for it. I love having a routine but it was great to take a break and be with the kids and surround ourselves with a ton of Holiday magic. 

Embrace your day! You got this! 

Let Go Of This Idea

Depend on yourself for hope. Don’t pressure others to be what you need.