No Really It’s Ok...

Dating’s ok to joke about certain situations. 

Accept People

Not what you want them to be. 

Let That Person Go!

I will never ever be....

Fill it in. I could share with you all the dumb stuff I tolerated and put up with but why breathe life into it?! There’s a list of things I will never be again.  

But really fill in who you’re letting go of within you. 

This Time It’s Different

Believe in yourself. Whatever didn’t work out for you wasn’t meant for you. This time it’s going to be different. 

It’s for The Next Ten Years

Last ten years was change. Next ten years is growth. 

You Have The Right To Feel The Way You Feel

It’s validation. Right? The process of someone acknowledging you feel a certain way. Whether they agree with it or not. We all don’t want to feel dismissed. We all want our feelings to be justified. Even if you don’t agree. 

We choose how we feel. I have a friend whose friend always comes to her and asks about me. He always says I hope she knows she not going to get that from that person. It blows my mind. He’s very in tune with me. So she came to me the other day and I said this time I know, this time I stopped everything. She just smiled. 

I fought for a long time for people to view how I felt. To validate it. Then I stopped. I confronted people head on. Then it changed. They treated me differently. 

We all are a bit of a cry out for help. We all need guidance and support. Sometimes though we look for support in the wrong places and from the wrong people. Some people aren’t capable of giving us the type of love and validation we need and deserve. Know the difference. Know the difference between who can help us and who can continue to damage us. 

This...This Time It’s Different

The previous years was about survival. Dealing with extreme change. Getting by. But this’s about now finding your true self and embracing it. Finding peace and focusing on only the things and people who bring out your best in you. It’s also self acceptance. Self affirmations. Self love. 

I am telling you the power of change can happen over night. It’s accepting and releasing. It’s not repeating patterns that caused pain and self doubt. 

Don’t dwell on the past. What’s meant to be in your life will be in your life. What 2020 and today are about is finding what makes you you. What makes your soul happy. Do more of that!

Don’t Change...Enjoy The Little Things

Look. Look outside. 

It’s the magic of life to view the little things that lead to big things. Enjoy your magic. 

So Much To Say...

Every morning my parents talk. He brings her coffee in bed. She then gets up and they spend an hour together taking before work. I always wondered how the hell they had so much to talk about. But then I met a friend. I swear I always would say to him I have so much to tell you. We would talk all day almost everyday about anything and everything. We even had a ton of disagreements but really it was a good point in our life for us. 

So now whenever I wonder why or what could my parents possibly have to say to one another it hits me that they are friends. Best friends. They really enjoy each other. That their marriage is also a friendship and that hit me like wow that’s how a marriage lasts. 

That’s how Relationship lasts. Having a friendship. Love and lust fades but I could see how fun it could be to live with your best friend and enjoy life together. 

That right there is a prime example to me. To choose someone who you want to run to and have endless chats with. To end up with someone who is not just a lover but also your friend.