Monday, January 6, 2020

Be Confident

In a classy way ❤️


Maybe just maybe we have pain so we can enjoy the good days more ❤️

Jan 6th Embrace The New

Life is fun, embrace it.  ❤️

Sedona Monday Nights

Charity nights on Mondays. Great price and you can get steak or grilled chicken. 

Red Flags Why Wait?

While yes in some situations you should seek counseling  and support and guidance it’s critical to know that some situations are extremely damaging. Some things can’t be forgiven or healed or repaired. Some things stay with you. They become a part of you. 

That my friend isn’t easy. Trust issues. Pain. Heartache. PTSD are all real. 
Know your worth. Know when to leave. Know when to stay. 

It’s About Learning

Know the difference 💛

*JayShetty is a great teacher with this 

Everything About Life

Yes but inbetween it’s magic. It’s heartache. It’s stressful situations. It’s laughter. It’s beautiful and painful at the same time. 

Life goes on. Regardless who is by your side but how amazing is the journey inbetween it all. 

I can write about my pains and sorrows but I can’t do that because I can’t change what’s happened. I can change going forward and seeing the beauty in it. Little things. 

Mornings can be rough. Then amazing. Don’t hold a grudge. Don’t hold hate in your heart for anyone ever. Love and let go. 

Enjoy the magic because life does go one regardless if you’re happy or not. Might as well enjoy it. 

Find Your People

Nothing beats a good friendship. Where you can talk about anything and everything for hours. 

A friend met me for coffee the other day. She said why do I always feel drunk when I am with you. Because we bring out the silly side of one another I said. It’s true. We have amazing energy together. We meet people. We talk to everyone. We talk about anything and everything. It’s the best. 

You need people like that. Who bring out your true fun side. Life is so damn serious. You need a break from the reality. Have some fun!

Appreciate your people ❤️

Lessons Learned

This is ok. It’s good karma on you. Don’t change. Keep being you. Those who deserve your time will appreciate it. 

Find Your Real People

No hidden agendas. No pastimes. No intentions to give you only what they need. 

Let those people go who kind of didn’t deserve you from the start. Their intentions aren’t for you it was for themselves. For their ego. For their own desires. For their own fulfillment. That’s not you. You need something with pure substance. Someone who can help you grow intellectual. Someone who will root for your success.  Someone who is in it just like you are.