Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Name 3 Things You’re Grateful For

Last night at dinner my girlfriend went around our table and said ok guys now name 3 things you’re grateful for. We all looked at eachother. It was a fun dinner. The girls and guys all said at the same time “tonight”.  To be here with eachother. It was an “organic natural fun night out”. We then went around and gave our individual things we were grateful for that happened during the day. 

I kind of do the similar things to my kids. At dinner we usually go around and talk about our day and all the great things that happened. 

But it had me thinking. The point is if you do this everyday you fill your livewith gratitude. Simple pleasures. Little things. 

I want you to do it tonight. I want you to think about three great things that happened today. Now do it every night. 

I will start. I am grateful for my kids being happy after school. My 5 yr old did her homework and I was amazed at how smart she is. I ran into a person from my past that said I can come to them whenever I need anything. I had a free personal training session at 7:00 am and she taught me new exercises to do and I even have plans lined up for my birthday this year. We finalized plans and booked some stuff.  A big number for me this year. The start of an amazing next 10 years of my life. 

Now your turn.....name at least three things. ๐Ÿ’—

Remember the Beauty of It

It’s a beautiful thing. To show someone love and help them through a rough time. Things don’t always turn out as you think. Sometimes you’re there temporarily. 

I had a friend say you have to be strong enough inside with yourself to let certain people go. Some people are tests and lessons. It doesn’t mean it wasn’t beautiful along the way. ❤️

Choice Over Attraction

I love his truths and humor. 

Pick someone who is genuinely good for you. 

Oh Bananas

They suggest best purchase is 5-6

You’re Changing I like It

I had to restart. I had to have a new outlook on my life. My emotions took the best of me. Because you love someone doesn’t mean you deal with stuff that triggers you. Loving them means being at peace within. I wasn’t. I was so many things I didn’t want to be. I needed peace. When you let someone go. You start to rebuild yourself. Even friendships that cause pain have to be let go. We are meant to be in each others life to make it better. Not cause doubt and insecurities or pain and arguments. 

In time what’s meant to be will be but I needed to change. I needed to focus within. I needed to work on Peace. That’s what I am doing for me. What are you doing for you? What are you doing to be a better you. 

2020 a friend said is having clear vision. To look at your life clearly and change what’s not working for you. 

Regardless if it hurts. Regardless if you think about it all the time. You have to change and work on Peace within. You have to focus on your life and what you need to be happy and calm and at peace. 

Have Hope

Changing your patterns create different results. Remember that. ๐Ÿ’—

You Can Feel All You Want To Feel

You can’t just change how you feel overnight. But do know without change you can’t have a different outcome. It’s ok to feel a certain way and sadness come but don’t be sad. Let yourself feel it at the moment then release it.