Friday, January 17, 2020

To My Past....

Clear your past. Let that all go. What’s here now is what matters. Forgive those who didn’t know how to love you. Forgive yourself for loving the wrong people. Forgive the past and make a clean slate for your future. 

It’s amazing when you come to peace with what you have been through you actually make space for new adventures. 

Let Go Of Jealousy

A friend actually wrote this when we were talking about being jealous of situations. It struck me. It was true.  When we are jealous we only hurt ourselves. We aren’t punishing the person or situation or circumstances we are jealous of we are actually hurting ourselves. 

You have to have enough faith to know you have what you need and when you don’t you will get it. 

I was never raised to be jealous or envious of others. I do at times when there’s a situation with competing I step away. I am not competitive. I don’t like having to prove myself. I feel what you see is what you get and that’s enough for the right person and situation. 

If you’re jealous- let go of it. Instead be grateful for what you do have and for all those people who are in your life. Not the situations you don’t have or the people who didn’t decide to stay. 

Being Alone Can Be Sort of Amazing...

It’s not saying be a loner and not have anyone in your life. It’s saying being happy alone is good for you. It means when you do find the one you will know and be able to offer them your best version of you. ❤️

Leave it to the Specialists

I was feeling awesome. I go to see my thyroid specialist. She’s like how do you feel. I said amazing. She then asks about meds I said well my primary at my physical said to skip a day since levels are high back in October. 

I swear I felt like her child in that moment. She let me have it. “Why would you do that without telling me. You are a cancer patient you aren’t treated like everyone else.”

She was right. 

I said well I feel great. She went on to say how shocked she is because even though my levels show no cancer my thyroid is in Hypo mode. Which is too low. She’s shocked I feel great and no wonder why I haven’t had weight loss. My levels are too low and the gym is probably keeping me going. 

Ouch. I felt foolish. 

I said in humor so this means with new levels I will lose weight? 

She wasn’t amused. 

So now I have two new doses and an order to see her in 8 weeks. 

I walked out a bit defeated. I was like crap this is why you leave it to the specialists. Also a bit worried since I feel amazing what will happen once levels are normal. Will I be even more energized. Also knowing for the rest of my life my levels can be off and I could function just fine. 

So take my advice. Please don’t make changes without the doctor in charge and even if you feel great be sure to take care of yourself and see a doctor. 

My situation scared me a bit. I did keep pushing my appointment and if I went sooner she could have adjusted meds sooner. 

Who ever said not having a thyroid is easy probably still has theirs. 

Looking At Life Differently

I love this. 

Every person you meet or have in your life serves a purpose for you and you serve a purpose for them. You are impacting their life in a certain way and they are impacting yours. 


“Happiness is how you feel about yourself when you’re by yourself” 

What’s Your Spirit Animal?

I never really thought about it. I never really see animals in my dreams. I always was drawn to giraffes and koala bears. So I was speaking to a friend who knew his. He suggested I took a test so I did. It actually said I was a Butterfly which is ironic because butterflies symbolizes transformation and it’s the shape of a Thyroid so I always say I had to set my “butterfly” free to live. 

Life sure is ironic. Take your test here

I recently posted a picture of change and growth with a caterpillar and butterfly. It’s important to change and grow through your lifetime. Read post here

You Attract What You Think

I kept saying my best time was my alone time. When I just focused on me and my kids and my work and family and friends around me. When I had no pressure to find someone who was aligned with what I wanted and needed. 

So a couple years later and I am back at that point. Not saying we don’t want a companion.  In due time. I am saying I had to work through some patterns and break cycles to realize maybe just maybe deep down I wanted to be where I once was. In peace. With myself and my current state of life. I just kindof did it myself. I attracted my current state...being alone again just focusing on what I need and my kids and work and family and friends. I appreciate those I met along my journey but when you’re at peace you are calm and you glow differently and sleep differently and appreciate life differently. 

Be content with your life too and if you’re not then please make a change. 💜

Happy Friday...What Makes You Happy?

Less is more at times. Remember that...Where you can appreciate the little things in life.