Monday, January 20, 2020

Change is Uncomfortable...Deal With It

I remember when I first had my cancer treatment I would perform reiki on my family while they slept. I felt I was reborn again. Weird I know. 

Life then didn’t turn out how I wanted. I had to make some big changes fast. My youngest was 2 at this point. I still can’t believe it. I had three little ones. 

I wasn’t happy. Things were spiraling out of control and I got this big powerful urge to stand my ground. 

I took control over my life again. Everything had to change inorder for the to happen.

Was it hard as hell. Um yep.

Could I perform reiki. Nope. Mind has to be calm and you have to be at peace inorder to heal yourself and others. I am not a healer. I help people see potential in themselves. Transform their lives. 

I make it clear that you’re going to have to get super uncomfortable to have change in your life. You have to start with owning your own flaws. Your own part. 
Then the fun part. Changing. We hate changing because it’s not routine or comfortable.  

Deal with it. It’s worth your growth. Trust me!

Be A Great Person...To Your Core

The other day I said this to a friend. I said I enjoy your company because you’re a really nice guy...down to your core. 

It’s important to point it out to people. 

My soul sister is the same way. She lights up the room where ever we go. It’s an amazing gift she has. 

Be a great person. Truly. Legit. Down to your core. 

The Simple Pleasures In Life

Nothing materialistic can buy my happiness....

Switch Gears

We all do this. We immediately defend ourselves. How about we switch it around. How about we try to put ourselves in the other person’s shoes. Just maybe then you can have compassion instead of feeling you need to justify your actions. 

We need to react to understand. Even if you’re right. Try to see their side. Try to understand how this person felt. How they may have misinterpreted your actions or words. Do this with your companions. Kids. Coworkers. Friends. 

Yeah it takes patience but hey isn’t it worth it?

Embrace Your Surroundings

Choose what you have in your area. Your shelves. Your walls. The noise you hear. The scents you smell. All contribute to your mood. 

Be Good To Your Kids

Let them be children. Don’t let them hear adult problems and issues or stress. Let them live a carefree life, let them daydream and not have fear or worries. 

Jam Grapes From Trader Joe’s

These were delicious. I love at Trader Joe’s they hand out samples. This were one of their samples. My kids love these grapes and so do I. 

Jam grapes are from Brazil. They are seedless grapes. Not too sweet like a Concord grape but sweet enough. They say it tastes like grape jam. 

I love new fun finds. 

Learn more here 

Jan 20th Enjoy The Benefits of Your Lessons

It’s already been a very successful Monday already. Excited to see what the rest of the day brings. 

Get things done ✅ 

Do You Have A Frentorship?

Love this and love my tribe of frentorships. I hope you too have this in your life. 💗

Spread the Love

Not just a spouse or companion. Always tell your kids and parents and family members and soul sisters and friends how they mean to you ❤️

Joey B’s in Cos Cob CT

I love this place. It’s a tiny little diner. With amazing food. Delicious. Fresh. 

I am sort of addicted to their breakfast burrito. 

The south of the border is ridiculous. It’s one of their best sellers and I know why...because it’s delicious. 



Then it’s pressed. So the mix of the heat and pico de gallo and avocado great like a sauce mixture. It’s insane. 

Best breakfast burrito I ever had. Simple. Great price. Great place. Awesome service. 

You Need To Heal

This is important and true. We can point blame but end of day your healing is your responsibility 💜