Change the Way You Think

My mom always says there aren’t problems. There are only different solutions.... Change the way you think. 

There will always situations that don’t go your way. But there are always solutions to get around them. Don’t stress. Just come up with some options and be happy again. 

Be You Always....

Over years and years I learned to be me. Always. No matter who was watching. To embrace me. My good and bad. Weird and flawed. Oblivious and hippieish. Never change who you are. 💗

It’s Ok To Have Days Like This

Some days are magic other days you’re literally just getting by. It’s ok. It’s normal. The thing to do is to remember you’re doing the best you can. That’s all you can do. Cherish the good days.  Hang on tight during the rough ones. 

Super Bowl Humor

Power of being 50. I have met a lot of people this age lately and must admit they have aged really well. As for a bread bowl-yum!