You Know Me & Numbers: 555

Chaperoning a bunch of 6 year olds on a field trip was pretty entertaining today. Exhausting but fun. Luckily they were really good. I look down at my Fitbit and noticed the 5s. 

Maybe just maybe it’s all coming together!

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

You...don’t settle because you're comfortable! 

Lessons Are Everywhere

When your mind is clear and open you see things that are teaching you. Everywhere. Not just people. Not just situations or signs. Every little thing is teaching you something. 

Embrace it and learn. Grow. Become better. 

You Become What You Believe

I believe in you and what you deserve. I have to believe in myself. You have to believe in you too. 💗

Feb 6th Attract The Love You Deserve

One situation is played out. Same chatter. Same situation. Same outcome. Same pain. Unrealistic. 

The other situation is new. Promising. Easy. Fun. Not stressful. Realistic. 

What situation do you really choose?

Think about it....

We Teach People What We Tolerate

"We teach people how to treat us."

- Dr. Phil

How to Find True Happiness


People. Situations. Whatever. Let it go....

By now we know what’s good for us. We know who is good for us. We know what situations are good for us. We know what habits are good for us. 

No need to be hurt or mad or upset. 

True happiness is not letting those toxic people are situations control you!

I Am Proud Of You

You’re amazing. No matter what you face. ❤️

Take Off Your Mask

There will be people who will continue to show you their true self. Don’t look beyond it. Believe them. Believe what they are showing you. Under that mask is their true self. Selfish and want to manipulate you. For their own pleasures. To hide their own pain.  

I learned from divorce to never let anyone treat you the way you don’t deserve to be treated. Why would you now?

When someone reveals their true self. Pay attention. 

Are You Connecting Within?

Are you being true to yourself? Are you looking within and doing justice to your soul?