Friday, February 7, 2020

Wow...What Are You Ignoring?

Wow...this is really powerful. Not saying not to. Just be careful with what you tolerate. What you settle for. What you accept. What you ignore. 

What truths are you ignoring?

Sometimes pain helps us deal with the ugly truths. Yeah they may have brought temporary happiness but don’t you deserve to be fully happy? 

Today’s Affirmation: Attract What You Want

It’s the law of attraction. Picture already having it and it will make its way to your life. The career. The relationship. The good health. The new house. Whatever it may be believe in it. 

We are a strong force. We have power to believe in our outcome and results. Noise interferes with goals. Don’t let it. 💗 

Be Kind to YOU

When was the last time you did this for yourself?

I didn’t for a long time. Then I started to pay attention and focused on these little things. Little things that shift your mood to help you be happier. 

Self care is not about looking good. It’s about doing good for your insides too. Your mood. Your surroundings. Be sure to take care of those things. 

Happy Friday

Cheers to the weekend ❤️