Be Patient With Yourself

Beautiful and true. The process of becoming takes time. I will admit how I would handle things in the past is much different than I do now. 

It’s a growing process. Be you. Believe in yourself. Small steps. Make changes. You will have setbacks. It’s ok. Keep learning. 💗

What’s Your Love Language?

Dancing. Trying new restaurants. Laughing. Being silly and real with eachother. 

What’s your love language?

Benefits of Being Single

There’s pros and cons to everything 

Face Your Reality

Stop covering up pain and your life. Face them and change them. 

Feel Good Song: Broken Crown

 Our choices seal our fate”

This line stuck with me. 

Setting Boundaries

When things don’t bother you...

I knew the minute I saw him out he would reach out to me. It’s predictable. I was with a group of friends and ran into a person I haven’t spoken to for a couple of weeks. I woke up today to a request from him he sent in the middle of the night. 

He didn’t say anything when he saw me out but we made eye contact a couple of times and I knew it would mean I would be hearing from him.  I knew his type already. There are types you know. Predictable types. That come in and out of you life. Test the waters. See if you let them back in. 

He was with someone else. I laughed at his request and ignored it. 

You set boundaries. The past me would allow him back in. The new me knows better. 

You control who you allow in. Always remember that. 

When Men & Women Are Wounded

Knowing the difference early on can help you adapt
to what someone needs. Who they are. How to handle them and understand them. The goal is to change those flaws. 

Feel Good Song: Nobody Knows

“Nobody knows how the story ends. Live the day and do what you can”


Feel Good Song: Nobody Knows

“Nobody knows how the story ends. Live the day and do what you can”


Pay Attention: You Always Knew

I don’t think I was ever wrong. I knew the red flags from the beginning for everyone. Every single person. 

What I did wrong was over look them. 

Pay attention. You know right away and could avoid a lot of heartbreak and a waste of your time.