Wednesday, February 12, 2020

All Star Basketball Game This Weekend

The real reason I love Valentine’s Day Weekend...All Star Basketball Game!

Accept People For Who They Are Not What You Want Them To Be

There will always be people who try to trigger you. Bring to their attention when they do something to bother you but growth is when you don’t react. 

Sometimes people change. That change isn’t always for the positive. When it happens stop hanging on to how someone could be and start accepting how they are. Acceptance allows for you to move in peace. You lost the old person not the new. 

Empowerment Affirmation...

Insert your desire...


I ask the universe to join with me in creating a life of pure happiness and only good pure intentions. 


Let Go and Accept It

This isn’t easy to do. Trust me I know BUT then it hit me...I was hoping for change when I had no control over the outcome. So either you wait and be miserable or you go on with life, find happiness in little things and trust your journey...

What would you choose to do?

These Type of People...

Love your people. Grateful for mine. I am not where I was I am so much more now than I was. Not because of my life was easy because my life was hard...really hard, sad at times and stressful but the “earth angels” helped me see the beauty and love and guided me. 

Be grateful for your people. Be an “earth angel” to others. We all need eachother. 

Life will always have its ups and downs. Things will never be easy but these special people are rare. Appreciate them. Respect them. Love them. 

You need them and they need you. 💗

Valentine’s Name Humor

Now kids names are as rare and unique as they have ever been.  I had to ask my kids a couple times if the name was for a boy and girl because they wanted to separate boys receive one color and girls another.  Which raised an interesting debate by my oldest daughter who said to her sisters does it matter if a boy gets a blue and a girl a pink. Why not mix it up. 

This is the same child who in church asked why there had to be a drummer boy in the Christmas pageant and not a drummer girl- of course after that she got the role. 

Kindof makes me proud for her to raise a concern and a right for equality. 

We don’t see in color and now we should not see in gender. 

True Love Does Exist

It’s ok to open your heart and get hurt. Because it teaches your strengthen. Maybe love doesn’t last forever maybe it does. 

Isn’t our goal to find someone we are excited to grow old with. To say when we’re 90 I wouldn’t want to do this journey with anyone but you. 

Maybe it’s not just in fairytales. 

Love With All Your Heart...

We all have flaws. It’s ok. Make someone feel your love today. I promise you will feel love back too. 

Face Your Pain

Sometimes we hold on to people and situations just to ignore the pain we went through. 

Yeah that is not ok. 

We act like we don’t care or it doesn’t matter or it’s all good. 

Even when it’s not. 

Face your pain. Even if it means facing the fact that someone you cared about aren’t who they once were. People change. Face it. Situations happen. Face it.