Thursday, February 13, 2020

Happy Galentine’s Day!!!

On February 13, Galentine's Day, a nonofficial holiday, is celebrated as a day for "ladies celebrating ladies."

Cheers ladies. Your rock. 💗

Move On...

Listen to what people have to say to you. Over and over again we think people will change. I started to notice the less time I spent with someone the more I didn’t enjoy who they became. We would get together and I would see a side of them I never knew. It really bothered me. I was holding on to who they once were verse who they were today. 

Don’t keep going back to the same situation. If it doesn’t add value to your life then let it go. 

I Appreciate You

How does it feel when someone compliments you? 

Amazing right! Be sure to do that to others too. ❤️

Open Tea Table in Stratford

I love this place. What a cute fun event for anyone. Saturday Feb 15th.

Mediate in the Shower

I always finish with a cold rinse too. It helps purify you. 

Do You Know Your Worth?

It took some time. Time to stop repeating patterns that didn’t add value to my life. Took some time to realize I didn’t deserve some treatments I received. Took some time to let go of toxic people and situations. Took some time to understand my worth. 

Please please please...take the time for you to realize it too.