Change Takes Time

We have to remember we are going to have emotions. Good and bad days.  Things don’t just go away overnight. It’s ok to miss someone you once loved. No one understands it until they go through it. We actually still carry them in our heart even if they aren’t present in our life. 

But remember it all makes you stronger! The whole process has to happen and take place. 

Can You Talk?

It’s been a week of events. At one point I took three calls one after another. My daughter looked at me and said omg what’s going on. 

It’s ok I said. Everyone just needed to vent to me but they are ok. Wow mom she said you help a lot of people. 

I gratefully have amazing people in my life. Therefore I return the favor always. I have a lot to repay to people. 

The calls were hard. Stressful. Their tone in their voices still linger in my mind. Telling me their diagnosis with cancer. One voice filled with fear over a heart attack, another stressed in preparation for the closure of schools another for support on a new position and waiting for a call. Reassuring everyone it’s ok. I am here for you. What can I do to help. Was always my response. 

I didn’t realize it until today. Tears shed. Hugs given. Support and thank yous. I just need to let you know they all said....

When was the last time you took the time to be there for someone. I am forever grateful for my people. My go to’s. Be that person for others too. 

Today a friend texted me this and I laughed. 

“The J I know is not afraid of a fking thing” 

I didn’t get that way overnight. The power of support around me helped me be who I am.  Be that person for others too so they too can face anything. Be strong enough to offer love and support to your people too. 

Let’s Talk About It: Are You Speaking With Your Kids About COVID-19

Our schools officially close Monday for two weeks. Birthday parties cancelled. Weekend getaways rescheduled. Play dates moved to a later time. Half day today to get preparation work to homeschool. This morning before school I finally said to my girls. Do you want to talk about what’s happening?

They have been really good about the changes. Understanding when it came to cancelling all those activities but I wanted them to be able to express any concern. 

My oldest asked if we were in quarantine. No. We are in self quarantine I said. We are electively choosing to stay out of the public and schools are closing to be proactive incase there are cases. Since surrounding cities have cases we are taking same protocols to be safe. 

She understood. I packed them wipes and said keep your hands clean. Be sure to not touch your mouth and face. 

The truth is we don’t know really what we are doing. We all have different views and opinions. Is it overkill. Probably. But we haven’t faced it yet so we aren’t really sure what we are dealing with. 

My advice is to be honest and open with your kids. I asked them not to believe all they hear. To not spread rumors or assume what people are saying is accurate or factual. And I emphasized we have to have extra patience with one another until life can go back to normal routine. 

Before drop off in the car ride my middle one said hey mom I said yes honey she said I love you. It almost was like her way of saying mom appreciate your help and efforts and making it ok for us. 

We have to remind our kids we are safe and ok and not cause panic. It’s hard for them too. It’s hard for us but we know better. They don’t. 

How are you and your kids handling this?