Friday, May 1, 2020

You Make Me Smile


When was the last time you made someone smile. I was talking to him. He was telling me about a situation that took place this week and I said that sounds frustrating. I am sorry you have to deal with that. He stopped and replied “Wow thank you. It’s ok.”

His whole mood changed. Just from acknowledging and validating his emotions. It came natural for me but he reacted surprised of how easy it was for me to validate his feelings. 

Let’s try to be happy and good to eachother and supportive.  Let’s try to validate people. Let’s try to make everyone feel heard. 

When was the last time you made someone smile or feel happy. 

Focus on Your Strengths Not Weaknesses

It’s called the CoreClarity test by Gallup. A Strengths Finder assessment. Where you focus on your strengths. 
A client had our team take it. Then we had a session where a coach analyzed and explained our assessments and results. 

Above are mine. These are my top five talents. I must say it’s pretty on point. 

The whole purpose is to know your strengths and use those to your advantage. Your full capability. See we normally focus on our weaknesses and try to fix and change them. How about we don’t do that anymore. How about we celebrate all we are good at and build a life and career around that. 

Learn more about the test here

Never Going To Turn Around and Hurt You

I love finding these cool fun rocks while I walk. These said:

“Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you down.” ❤️

Reminded me of the 80’s song. I have been rocking out to 80’s music. Maybe because it’s happy memories of my youth. Maybe because it’s familiar. Maybe because I am an 80’s girl. Regardless it’s fun.