Milkcraft Fairfield is Open

We took a ride and kids wanted ice cream. I love Milkcraft. It’s crazy how life has changed. Kids waited in the car with my dad. Milkcraft only allowed one customer in at a time to order. You had to wear a mask 
If you didn’t they would bring it out to your car. They have you order. Give you a number and you wait outside until your number is called. 

It’s hard to imagine how a place once full of people
can now function one customer at a time but it’s also great to know they are taking precautions for their employees and customers. 

This is our new norm. We all must get used to it. 

Art Park on Isaac Square In Norwalk

I had to go back. They put up new art and they put up a Love Wall. Where they encouraged people to come
and write on it or “tag” it. I won’t say what I wrote on mine. Maybe it was a couple of shoutouts but regardless it’s a great spot. Off of Wall Street in Norwalk. 

Bring a permanent marker and spread some

How To Love A Man...

I found this interesting. I think most are true. I think there has to be a mutual understanding and a mutual respect. I think end of day we want just want someone to love and respect us like we love and respect them. 💙


What’s Really Bothering You?

Ever wonder why some things can happen and you’re fine then other times they actually cause your heart pain or your mind stress?

Crazy right but it’s true. Focus on what is really your energy. I am learning. All the time. It’s a process. 

When you’re upset what is really worth your energy?

That’s What Best Friends Are For

A package arrived. It had cute kid drawings all over it. I opened the box and there were packages from my best friend who lives in Florida. I was so impressed by her creativity. I also felt her love through ever box I opened. 

You need to cherish the people who take the time to show you love and appreciation. We have been best friends for 32 years. Crazy yet amazing. 

I hope my girls have lasting friendships like this. Where you are more like sisters than friends. Where you know no matter what you will always be there for one another. 

She made my day and having in her in my life always made me happier and strong. 

Our Struggles Help Us

I couldn’t sleep. My mind was racing and I just needed to meditate. It said a lot. To let go of doubt. To not expect people to heal old heartache. To know it’s ok to look at your life and wonder where you will end up. You’re brave. Remember that. 

Transitions Are Hard Yet Rewarding

Ever transition taught me something. It always was a struggle at first and then an awakening in the end. 

Every time something major shifted in my life I changed. I became a different version of me. 

Some pain you carry along. Some pain gave you strength.