When You’re Connected

You have connections then there are connections. Our souls do know one another. 

You ever meet someone and felt like you knew them for a lifetime? That’s the type of connection I am referring to.  

Look Within

When things are good accept them. I guess I always felt like there was a catch. Maybe from past experiences. Like could this calm and easy situation really be so calm and easy. What’s the catch?

Then family and friends kept saying yes. Calm and easy is normal. I guess because I haven’t had it I felt like I couldn’t appreciate it. 

Once I accepted it I got to enjoy it. 

Break your cycles and patterns. 

Be Easy On Yourself...Stop Overthinking

I was guilty of this. I know my weaknesses. When you know your weaknesses you’re eager to learn more and grow and change. 

This is amazing because you are taking control of yourself. You won’t let your self doubt or thoughts mislead you. 

Change your thinking. Once you do you realize how simple and easy things are and become.