Sunday, May 17, 2020

May Retrograde

Oh Retrograde. It’s crazy how much it affects a person. Me particularly. Well this time around it’s pretty positive so although we will feel a little off it also attracts positives things too. So if you feel not yourself these next couple of weeks, no need to worry. It won’t last too long!

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I Accept The Couch to 5k Challenge

I met with a friend. We saw someone jogging. Turned to one another and said we can start jogging. 5k I asked. Yeah let’s start the challenge she said. 

I mean after all, at one point everyone was getting married. Having babies. Getting divorced or running races. Been through the first three. This was the last thing. 

I won’t get in over my head. But I do think this could be a ton of fun!

So I accept the challenge. 

Heal Old Pain

This is so true and important. It’s important to know what pain you carry with yourself and how to not let it become an issue with new relationships. 

Trust your process. Heal old pain. ❤️