Friday, May 29, 2020

Embrace What Is...

I wasn’t doing this. I kept thinking things should be different. When I was thinking that way I wasn’t fully enjoying the experience. My current life. My journey. 

I then accepted it. Do you know what happened when I accepted things for what they really were?

I was happy. I enjoyed the situation more. I accepted it. Life got better and easier. It is a process I have to continue to work on and accept but when I do it’s so much better. I am happier. I am not trying to change it. I embrace it. It is what it is and that’s ok. 

I want you to do this too. I want you to stop always trying to change things and accept it. 

What Do You Really Need To Hear?

Let’s be real. We normally don’t like the honest friend yet we NEED the honest friend. The one who tells us what we need to hear not want to hear. Then the decision is up to YOU. 

Respect. Honor. Embrace. The people in your life who don’t always paint your fairy tale image but love you no matter what.