Let Go Of Worry

Make a plan and do the work and stop worrying...I say to myself over and over. Because it’s hard not to worry and it’s hard to not overthink but then you lose out on enjoying the moment.  Enjoy. The. Moment. ❤️

Connecticut Phase 2 June 17th

Indoor seating. Gyms reopening. Bar seating...Still be safe and careful readers!

What’s In Your Suitcase?

We walk through life with suitcases. Unresolved issues and problems mean our suitcase are extra heavy. Once you release and sort through your pain your suitcase becomes lighter. 

What are you carrying? 

Reconnecting Within

Only way to see a change is to have you change...within. Your thoughts. How you handle situations. Your triggers. 

It’s a learning process. Everyday. But it means a better you. You attract what you Need. Desire. Think. Want.