Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Let’s Practice Hoʻoponopono

I feel every lesson in life teaches us something. It starts off with anger. Pain. Hurt. Frustration. Then we want to heal. We want to really heal the pain so we focus on the lesson. The good. The let’s move on part. The ending of that journey. Why?

Because let’s face it. People can be shitty and they do shitty things but we don’t want to carry that pain around in us. It’s toxic. It’s toxic to our body. When you want growth you have to heal. You unbury pain. I always tell people healing hurts. It sucks. You feel pain but then you can handle things. Then the pain goes away. In time you grow. 

This prayer helps. Forgiving again not accepting but forgiving helps. I had to forgive someone who caused me pain recently. Today I meditated and did it. Because I don’t want to carry it with me. I don’t want anymore pain in my life. I have had years of it and I just want peace and fun and happiness so I had to forgive. I had to forgive and thank them for their part in my journey so I can be grounded and at peace. 

Hoʻoponopono: Practice this. 

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