Saturday, June 27, 2020

Spontaneous Dinner at Mecha Fairfield

She’s my best friend. I am very lucky to call her that. I haven’t had the best week. I am lucky to be reminded that even during rough patches there’s plenty of people in your life who love you. She reminds me of that too. So tonight I ran some errands and found myself parked infront of the water. 

It’s very therapeutic for me. She reached out and ten minutes later we are driving around laughing and end up having dinner in Fairfield outside. Mecha noodle is comfort food to the max. Like a big warm hug. 

No more heartaches ok. No more down moments. No more unnecessary reflections. Just pure happiness and enjoy life. 

I will if you do too!

What Pain Is Really Yours To Carry?

For so long so many times situations happened that I didn’t cause yet I had to deal with. This time I said enough. No more. I will not lose sleep or have heartache over what someone else did. I won’t let it affect me. I will carry it for my kids. My family. My loved ones and friends who suffer and need my help or
love or support but not for people who have lied or caused me heartache. These are your lies to carry not mine. We have to take ownership for ourselves. Our mistakes. People have to stop pushing it on to others. 

It’s taken me years to learn this. Years. No more.  

I have learned you have to heal and move on and say I wish you well and goodbye. 

Every goodbye becomes a little easier to handle. It’s because you become a little more wiser. 

What have you been carrying around that you didn’t cause?