Saturday, July 4, 2020

Happy 4th Of July

I LOVE fireworks. Last year a girlfriend and I were at a restaurant and luckily got to see fireworks on the pier. Tonight we went to see Stamford fire works. We parked a distance and saw them BUT then we drove home. To the left and right we see amazing fireworks. I pull off my exit and right infront of us is a huge yellow and blue firework display. I pull off into a parking lot and we sit and watch people shooting off the most amazing firework display. Was awesome!

I hope you find magic in your days. I hope the little things make you smile and happy. I hope something as simple as fireworks makes your night!

Practice Gratitude

For everything you have. For the love around you. For who you are. ❤️

Real Friends

Appreciate your truths. Those who tell you how things are not how you wish they could be. Take some time for you. Heal so the next time you get things right.