Say What You Need To Say!

This is so true. Open communication. It’s so important. Talk it out. Be real. No holding back. ❤️

Need A Mood Lift?

Love these Fitbit tips. This is why I workout because I feel so awesome after. 

Learn more about how working out can help depression here 

How’s Your Morning Routine?

I love working out in the morning. I even have these three join in and now we swim after. It’s honestly the perfect way to start the day. I make sure we do laps around the pool. We swim for about 45 minutes. Then we go inside get dressed. Have breakfast and begin our day. 

What’s your morning routine? 

Be Happy That’s Your Only Focus


“That are built on the foundations that two people were already happy before they met.” James Sama

Change Your Thinking!

I read somewhere that said that all your experiences had to happen so you could love yourself. 

It had me thinking. Every situation teaches your something. Once you change your mind your experiences change.