Saturday, August 1, 2020

Always Look At The Bright Side Of Things

Everything is an experience. Nothing is a waste of time. I had a guy I dated who never tried Indian food. He built up the courage and we went to an Indian restaurant and he actually enjoyed the meal I ordered for us. 

I love trying new places. It’s great meeting people in different towns and checking out some of their favorite restaurants. I love being able to share my experiences with my family and friends and well you all. 

Nothing is a waste. You always learn from people and if you get a couple of fun meals out of it too well then you won! 

Fairytales...They Do Exist

We ALL deserve our sure to create the life you want. To embrace love and people who want to love you. Forget anything that isn’t aligned with your happiness. Yeah being happy isn’t a bad thing it’s actually encouraged. 💗