Sunday, August 16, 2020

Back to Virtual School Supply List

Love this! You have to find humor in your days....

Celebrating Turning 6

They get to pick their menu. Their cake. Their decorations theme. It’s a fun tradition we have going. My sister always rocks the cakes. It’s amazing how gorgeous they come out. The kids play and adults chat. It’s a great change to our traditional Sunday lunches. 

Making them feel special and important is always the goal which I must say we always seem to accomplish. Grateful for the family I have. The love and support really helps us grow and feel secure in life and our decisions. I hope you have that family bond too. I hope you too have the love and support you need in your life. 

Love The One You’re With

There’s 7 billion people in the world. That’s a lot of people. So why do people settle and stay with someone even when they know they aren’t happy? 

Comfort. Security. Afraid of change. History. The list goes on. But if you stay then STAY. Love that person be good to them if you leave them believe me you will find someone else. 

I chose someone maybe it’s forever maybe it’s not. But with 7 billion people in the world be sure to only stay with those that make your heart stop when you see them. Who you respect and admire. Who you have a friendship with and a great romance. 

There has to be a good balance. Did you choose the right one?