My Wish For You

Dear readers I wish you joy and happiness and clarity. 

Let’s Go For A Ride

At least a couple times a week I take the kids for a ride. Just to get out and distract ourselves. We always end up driving through the beach. I have been taking them to other town beaches for the day but I must say I love having one 15 minutes away. 

There’s just something about having the sand under your feet. It grounds me. It has always been a life goal for mine to have a beach house. I can’t wait for that day. 

Everyone has goals and simple pleasures. The beach has always been one of mine. What are yours?

Let Go Of Fear

Take that chance and let go of fear. Trust me ❤️

Baby Steps...

Take that step. Towards a new life, career, adventure, relationship, degree, whatever it is. Just do it. Do it for you. ❤️