Maybe Kids Are Intuitive

I just finished writing the post about homeschool when my middle one said mom come into the kitchen and see what I did. 

I walked and saw that she cleared the table of all the homeschooling papers and pencils and set up the table like I do everyday after school is complete. 

Maybe they do listen. Maybe they do already appreciate all I do without even having to ask. That alone is a better award than anything else. 

Oh Homeschooling...Pray For Me

It’s almost impossible to have your routine back. Everything has changed. Deciding to keep the kids home has not been easy. I constantly remind myself it’s for their best interest. But deep down I keep missing my routine. It’s not easy facing this challenge as a single parent where it’s all on you. All day every school day. No help not even a snack being packed or anything to help reduce the toll. You start to begin to realize it’s 100% on you while trying to work and maintain your own workload and responsibilities. You have to change all doctor appointments and workouts are now super early morning before school starts. Even work calls have to change and I find myself walking up the driveway just to be able to take a work call in peace. 

No ones schedule lines up. I feel I have been constantly cooking  and cleaning and helping and signing on apps and helping spell words and cleaning and handing out snacks. Not sure how they get 2-3 now a day but they do. 

I tried getting work done today and draining out the chaos with music on my headset. The minute I suggested they raise their hand if they needed my help they all did. Hence the picture above. It’s not easy so if you’re doing this I pray for you. It may age you like it’s aging me. 

It’s not even a full week yet and I find myself looking up articles to inspire and suggest ways for me to cope. No one gets it unless they are doing it too. So for the parents who are alone and doing this I want you to know your kids will appreciate you. Kids are very smart. My girls always say thanks for breakfast and snack and lunch everyday. You help us so much they say. Their appreciation does make the chaos more manageable. Stay positive and know one day things will go back to normal. You are doing it for them. To keep them safe. They know they can depend and rely on you. That alone makes it worth it. I hope. 

Article suggestion: 

How to Reduce the Stress of Homeschooling on Everyone

Focus on YOU Too


There was a time when what everyone wanted and needed I provided. Now I have changed. I carved in my time and needs too. You have to do the same. Of course the kids come first but you need to be good to you too.