My Morning Workout: Stacking Wood

I love the sight of this. I grew up with a wood burning stove. My old house had a wood burning stove and just seeing wood reminds me of it. A wood burning stove probably the first thing I will buy when I get my next house. 

But for now it’s for a fire pit and wood burning pizza oven. It will do. There’s something about being independent. I stacked two cords of wood that was delivered and there’s something doing it that empowered me. 

There’s also something so amazing about a fire. It’s so peaceful and warm and the smell of it. It all just comforts me. Maybe because it reminds me of my past and growing up. Maybe because no other heat source can warm you up like a fire. Maybe it’s the cracklings noise. Whatever it is I am a huge fan. 

Book Your Yearly Screening: Check Your Boobs

I went for my yearly. Something I have done since I was 24 due to having the BRCA Gene. I feel after all this time someone would have at least invented a better machine. One that doesn’t make you feel like a
Human pancake. I say they create a bra where we just place our breast in and it scans it. But I am not an engineer. I am a woman like you. Reminding you to do your part and check your breasts. Get a mammogram and do self exams at home. It could save your life. 

So I go to my appointment and the woman is overly nice. But before I even make it in the room you need to call them from your car. The receptionist was sweet and honest and told me there’s a delay so I left and grabbed a coffee. Once they call you they meet you at the door. They make you use hand sanitizer they provide. They check your temperature. They hand you a disposable mask and request you put it on or wear it over your own mask. They then spray down your seat and ask you to wait. 

Talk about a process. But at least you feel safe. 

Back to my overly nice lady. My tech walks me in. She explains how she cleaned the room and machinery. She asked if I felt comfortable. I said yes. She hands me a plastic bag for my personal items. I get changed and she comes back in. She’s very friendly. Tells me her life story. Keeps saying I look so young and too young for have three kids. I like that part. She went on to explain her life and at that moment three things went through my head. One. She must be very lonely and she’s so kind I hope she has friends. Two. I always get the over sharers I must look trustworthy to most people. Maybe it’s my blonde hair or being a mom 
We all tend to trust moms. Three. This machine sucks and I can’t breathe even if I wanted to and when will this end. I can’t bend that way. It’s not normal. 

I wished her and her kids luck- one going back into the military and one waiting for a transplant - I wasn’t lying about over sharing but she needed a friend. So be it. I lended my ear.  It’s the least I could do. 

I then went on to an ultrasound. Where the young tech kept looking at me weird. She asked for my date of birth and seemed surprised. I love saying 1980. Sounds like 1900’s. She was young.  Polite and nice. 

All was good. No suspicious findings. Out and about until my next scan next year. Coast was clear and I must admit I don’t get why some women avoid this all together. 

I don’t understand how people don’t take care of their bodies. Please do. Please take care of your body and check your breasts. 💗

Turn Your Apples Into A Craft for Halloween

This is so cute. A friend sent me the link. She knows I love trying new crafts with my Girls. Perfect activity to do with your leftover apples from Apple picking.