Love & Relationships Are NOT Suppose To Be Hard

I don’t care what anyone says. It’s not suppose to be hard or painful or argumentative. It’s suppose to be kind and gentle. You’re suppose to be able to communicate when things don’t feel right. You are suppose to provide a safe place for each other to vent to. 

Love is only hard when it’s with the wrong person. Convince me otherwise. 

Relationship Gratitude: Grateful For Your Humor

I will be posting some affirmations that I think is important to remember and even share with your partner or spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend or companion. We tend to take things for granted. How about you take some time and think about something you appreciate in that person. 

I love to laugh. It’s really important for me to be with someone who has a great sense of humor. Who gets my humor and I get theirs. So this was really something I could relate too. I always tell him how much I appreciate his humor. I can laugh for hours. Like two school kids. It’s the best feeling in the world to me.  

When was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?

Halloween Fun at Bishop’s Orchards

Kids come dressed up and get a free soft serve ice cream.