Sunday, November 8, 2020

Live For Today

It wasn’t the best day. I think we all could relate at times. Where you set out for something and the opposite happens. Where unnecessary situations happen around you. 

But then you hear of someone passing or someone in the hospital and you stop to reflect. You reflect but all that noise around you doesn’t mean anything. It’s so unnecessary. 

There are real problems and real issues and real situations. 

Avoid the noise. Live for today. No one knows what tomorrow is like. 

I needed to laugh. To refocus. I binge watched 
Nailed It  with my daughter. We laughed the whole time. Cherish the moments. 

Please make me laugh I asked my boyfriend tonight before bed so he did. Just the sound of his voice put me in a better mood. Hearing his laugh made me laugh. Cherish the people in your life. 

Simple pleasures. Simple gestures. Simple requests. 

Live for those moments. Forget the rest. Real hard situations matter. Nothing else deserves your worry or attention. 

Life is short. I can’t say it enough. 

Start Your Day Outside

I don’t know if they really appreciate it or do it because well to be honest I make them. But there’s something about starting the day outside. There’s something about how the sun shines down. How I watch my girls move and walk and talk. It’s peaceful around us. No distractions. Just us and Mother Nature. 

And then I catch these cute moments where they are sweet and kind to one another. I see how their shadows are on the ground and it brings me peace. It helps me feel grounded and calm. 

I hope you too find a way to start your day that way. I hope you too leave all your worries behind and for a minute embrace the silence and beauty around you.