Sunday, December 6, 2020

Have NO Regrets

Looking back we can all say we wish we did things differently but we didn’t know better in that moment. In the moment we did what we thought we had to do. 

Once your life becomes calm. Not boring. Life is never boring. Calm means you’re content and happy. It means you reached a point where you say “I love my life” to yourself. When you reach that moment you realize everything you ever went through had to happen so you can reach that calm. 

I wish that for you. I wish you reach that calm in your life. That’s happiness. Genuinely happy. Even the smallest thing make you smile and happy. I want that for you. 

The Burrata at Shell & Bones in New Haven

How lucky am I that every week I get to select a new place to try and check out. Covid friendly of course. The warmer nights made eating outside with a heater enjoyable. 

Pick wherever you like he always says. It’s sweet. He’s sweet. It’s a lot of fun. We laugh and chat for hours over a nice cozy meal. This week was Shell & Bones in New Haven. 

I have been before during restaurant week last year and enjoyed inside near their fireplace but now with Covid we sat outside. It has a covered outdoor. We got lucky and had that whole area to ourselves. The mussels were amazing and his steak melted in my mouth but the burrata. That stood out. It was gorgeous. Over arugula, with fig and tomato with a balsamic drizzle. Beautiful presentation. We both enjoyed it so much. 

Check it out if you can.

What restaurant should we check out next?