Saturday, December 19, 2020

Not On Your Journey or Mine

You don’t need to carry them along on your journey. Move on from people and situations and jobs that aren’t good for you. The past is the past for a reason. 

I wish my past all great things. Just don’t expect to still be a part of my journey. 

How Do You Top Your Egg Nog?

Best Egg Nog brand is Hood for sure. But what do YOU top your Egg Nog with?

Amaretto is my favorite liquor to add. The nutty flavor enhances the Egg Nog. Doesn’t make it too strong and just compliments it. 

Are You Happy?

No matter what your circumstances just be happy. Life is much more enjoyable that way!

Snoop Dog Wine Collection

We grew up listening to his music so when a friend brought over a bottle of his wine and showed us their interactive app. We couldn’t help but enjoy the process. It’s not his typical “Gin & Juice”. 

Really cool concept.

Westchester's Winter Wonderland Drive-Thru Light Show Experience

Stunning is an understatement. We went for my best friend’s birthday. It was beautiful. You pay per car to get in. It’s 25-30 minutes from Norwalk. So worth it. You drive around for 15 mins looking at awesome light displays. You must buy tickets in advance. 

Learn more here