Saturday, January 2, 2021

Love Isn’t Hard Loving The Wrong Person Is

I was hesitant about sharing my relationship so openly. It had a lot to do with the fact that times I was in love it fell apart. Out of my control. Nothing I could have done to change the outcome. 

So when I met him I honestly didn’t think it would turn into anything. But then I noticed he was different than the rest. He was emotionally mature. Didn’t carry any emotional baggage. Has a stable parenting relationship with his ex. He’s intelligent. Has a reputable type of job. As I started to learn the real him I started to fall hard. 

When you open yourself up a flood gate of insecurities and doubt and past pain comes rushing at you. I had a hard time adjusting but I knew I had to change or this relationship wouldn’t work. At times I almost walked away due to fear. Fear of opening my heart and risking getting hurt. 

But he always made it all see seem so easy. He was always so calm and understanding and supportive. Then we started to take our relationship to the next level. We created a routine. We met each others families and kids and we are now in a position to truly accept eachother for 100% who they are. 

Will it be forever? No one knows or can say. Will I continue to enjoy  our “perfect relationship”without the fear of the end result. Yes. Because it’s perfect for us. For what we need and for who we are. It works for us.  

It taught me I can be happy in it or out because I am happy with myself. For facing those flood gates of past pain and emotions and saying it’s ok. This is different this time. You handled that you can handle anything. 

Love isn’t hard. Loving the wrong person is so freaking hard. Know the difference! Allow yourself to love the right one. 

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