Sunday, January 17, 2021

The Baking Curse...Take The Time To Do Things Right

I was never the best baker but pretty good. Lately I have a baking curse on me. Not sure why. Baking is very tricky. You must always follow directions. You can’t skip corners. You can’t wing it. 

It’s really a lesson for me. Why? Because I always rushed things. Decisions. Baking. Whatever. I didn’t want to do that anymore. 

So I joked that my baking curse was here to stay but then last night I gave it another try. I baked. They came out delicious and then my kids walked in and said mom what happened to your cookies. What do you mean I asked and walked over to the tray. 

Well all the Hershey kisses melted. Yep. I didn’t put them on the cooling rack soon enough. The heat from the tray melted the Hershey kisses. 

What’s my point? 

My point is whenever you think you got it right you don’t. You don’t just assume you can stop improving. Life makes these minor switches in your life. Important to detail matters. Taking your time matters. Stop winging things. Take the time to do it right. 

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