Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Get Out Of Your HEAD

We think too much...well at least I do. Way too much. You can drive yourself nuts. The what ifs, the doubts, the what's going to happen in the future. The what am I doing today that will affect tomorrow. 

You can really pass up a lot of happiness if you keep this up. I try to live in the now. This moment. This moment I have what I need. Will it always be enough, no. That is why we set goals and make plans. But if you're so in your head now you aren't embracing in the now. 

Focus on your life. What you can change today. This second. What can you change? Whatever that is then do it. 

We create chaos in our mind that we can't see the obvious. 

Ask yourself these: What will make me happy today? Can I achieve that this second on my own? Am I relying on someone else to create that happiness for me? Can that person create that happiness for me?

Get out of your head. Get into your life. Right now. This moment. 

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