Sunday, February 28, 2021

Have A Blessed Day...

We celebrated today at Sunday Lunch my daughter’s birthday. She turns 8 tomorrow. It was a great day. I started off with serving her and her sisters breakfast in bed. Then we had a celebration at lunch with my parents, sisters and my boyfriend. 

At night time we ordered pizza. The young delivery guy hands me my food. I pay him. And say thank you. He turns to me and says have a blessed day. 

At that moment I froze and smiled. Oh I did I wanted to say. But instead I said you too.  I did have a blessed day. How lucky am I to have such a great life. How lucky am I to be able to give my daughter a loved and fun filled day for her birthday. 

I wish you all a blessed life. To enjoy the simple things. To have love in your life and flow around you at all times. 

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