Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Love All You Can

It’s different dating after divorce. Normally you are looking to have more children or someone to marry when you date. Even though I do want marriage again one day. But for now, after already having kids and being married before, when you’re in a relationship it’s about finding someone who teaches you, who you can learn from and someone who brings fun and pure love to your life. Pure, honest, easy love. 

We don’t know if things last forever. We must not restrict ourselves out of fear. We owe it to ourselves to take risks and love. I remind myself of that often. 

I always loved hard. I never regretted it because that’s what I wanted to do at the time. I still love hard. 
Harder I fall harder I am on myself. More fear and insecurities surface. You have to sort that out. You have to face it head on. 

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