Thursday, February 4, 2021

Who Do YOU Inspire?

You're amazing and do not even know it. You inspire people all around you. You inspire people with how you act, how you love, what you say and do.

We all have influence over people. Family, peers, spouses/companions, children, friends, co-workers.... The list is endless.

Being YOU, showing who you really are, matters. Do not hide behind something or your truths. Be you because you are a good person and people are watching. 

I do not know who reads my blogs, but I do know my numbers go up everyday. That alone gives me motivation and shows I inspire YOU. 

Thank you for letting me part of your life and for following my journey! I may never meet you or have the opportunity to discuss with you face to face the journey of life but knowing I inspire you is motivation enough!

Who inspires YOU?

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