Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Fun Filled Weekend

Love how well the girls get along. It’s always a concern in the back of your mind. You have this great relationship and slowly you bring your families together. This was really important to us both to have them get along. But we didn’t even have to try. It had to come naturally. They just clicked. It makes me so happy to see. It’s so easy. They fit right in as if they knew eachother for years. 

I got to have an egg hunt for them and we then colored eggs and had a sleepover. I love looking over and seeing him and his daughter with us. 

Everyone comes in our life when we need them to. To teach us or help us or just love us. My heart can explode whenever I am with him. 

It’s so healthy for the girls to have these friendships. 
Especially since they haven’t had much time to be with friends during the pandemic. 

Take chances in life and never settle. If I settled I wouldn’t have what I have today and I wouldn’t give this current life up! 

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