Saturday, March 13, 2021

Sunshine and Saturday Fun...Today Was A Great Day

This was a big step. A fun big step. All the girls got together today and while my boyfriend was here and the girls played like they have been friends forever  and all I could think about is how some of my favorite people are all together today enjoying a Saturday. 

It’s natural. It’s fun and easy. 

Changes in life happen gradually so you can adjust. We slowly brought ourselves into our daughter’s lives. We slowly had them adapt to eachother. Now I can’t wait to do it all over again. Because a lot of love was in the house today and I saw a world brought together I never had before. It was fun. For them and us. 

You can’t force things. I have learned that in life. You have to welcome whatever comes. Today was a great day! Welcome what comes in your life. 

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