Saturday, March 6, 2021

Talk It Out...Don’t Hold On To It

Communication is a relationship destroyer. We aren’t taught to talk about what bothers us. We feel an emotion and can’t translate it into words. So what happens...

It builds up. We hold it in. We begin to sink. Our relationship fails. 

You have got to give yourself the opportunity to understand your emotions. Not point blame but really understand what emotion is being triggered. Then communicate it. Discuss it. Honor it. 

Years and years I keep hearing the same thing...we didn’t know how to communicate. Yeah it takes two but really how can you even have a relationship with someone who you can’t tell them what’s bothering you. So what if they get upset. You need to discuss it or you hold on to it and years go by and it’s too late. 

I have no emotional attachment to my divorce because I hold no resentment or anger. Why. Because I told him how I felt. Always. I didn’t hold on to it. Once it was done it was done.

Once a relationship starts to shift it’s your responsibility to adjust it back into place. 

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