Saturday, April 10, 2021

Are You Being Understood

Are you being understood. Trust me you will find someone who speaks your language. 

I can’t communicate with some people. Image that? I am vocal. Don’t hold back. Process before reacting and I still have people in my life who I just can’t communicate with. I just can’t understand how they think. 

Then I have people who understand me 100%. I can sit in silence with them and be at peace. My boyfriend brings this wave of calmness to me. We can discuss anything. Even if we don’t agree we still can discuss thinks so easily. It’s really amazing to me. 

My best friend always understood me. That’s probably why we have been best friends for over 30 years. 

It’s amazing because I always think is it me. But then I realize it’s them too. People bring out this side of you. They either jibe with you or don’t. 

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