Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Got My Vaccine Today!

Got my vaccine today. Felt like we are making a part of history. When we know one day our kids kids kids will talk about years ago their family had to deal with Covid. Stay in quarantine. Homeschool a year. Not be able to hug or shake anyone’s hand.  Seems so surreal!

I went to Stamford Health Center. They setup a whole new building just for the vaccine. Last week I was able to get an appointment right away. Originally I signed up through VAMs and had an appointment in July. It seemed so far away. So my sister saw this site and we all got in this week. 

I was so excited at first but once I parked the nerves set in. I was really doing this. I figure if the President of the USA trusted it then I should. We are all
taking a vaccine that we have no idea about the side affects yet the risk is worth it verse getting Covid. 

So my brave self went in and everyone was amazing! Every two steps was someone directing you where to go. Smiling. Asking me how I was. I felt so taken care of. I made an appointment for two weeks for my second dose. It was the easiest process I ever experienced and so far my arm feels fine. Tip relax your arm. I was tense and the nurse told me to relax and I did and it worked. 

Be sure to get a clear plastic cover on the table in the room you have to wait in after the shot. You want it to protect your vaccine card. 

You got this! 

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