Sunday, May 2, 2021

Birthday Celebrations

It was an early birthday celebration and I must say was a great day. So as I reflect on my last day of being 40 before turning 41 tomorrow I have to say I learned a lot this last year. 

I learned loving yourself is so important. 
Friends do come and go. 
Where you are today isn’t where you’ll be tomorrow. 
At anytime life can change. 
A pandemic is nothing to mess with. 
Covid isn’t a joke. It’s real. 
Find happiness in the little things. 
It’s better to love and lost than to never love again. 
You are in control of yourself. No one else. Ever. 
You can get through a hell of a lot more than you think you can. 
Love hard. Always. Who cares if it doesn’t work out. Love anyway.  
Appreciate everyone. Always. 
Be happy where you are in this moment. This moment is your life. 

Thank those in your journey. At all different chapters of your life. No one is staying forever. Enjoy them while you can. Wish them well as they leave. 

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