Sunday, May 9, 2021

It’s A lot Of Work...Parenting Is No Joke

Grateful for being their mom and grateful for my mom 
Parenting is not joke. This is so hard yet so rewarding. Weird right?!

How something so magical can be so draining. Yet everything good in life is that way. Highs and lows. Good and bad. It’s all part of the process. 

What hit me most wasn’t the gifts they got me. It was other moms who texted me and said I admire you. That hit me today. That I don’t brag about my journey because I am by far not the perfect Mom but I bust my tush trying to be. I try really hard to love them and be there for them 100% no matter what. No matter where I am or what I am doing. I give them my all. What hit me was other moms saying how lucky my girls are to have me and how they look up to me. 

They are moms too. So for anyone I can help 
I will. For anyone watching please know I too have bad days. Hard days. Rough days. I too question if I can do better and be better. So thank you. Thank you for watching. Thank you to my kids for picking me. 
 Thank you to my mom for being my go to for everything and anything. 

All we can do is try. I hope you know today and everyday you admire other moms too. 

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