Thursday, June 3, 2021

Men vs. Women What Percentage Are You?

I love podcasts when I am driving. Solo of course. It’s much better than singing alone. So I stumbled across this one. I am a huge fan of therapist Jon Kim and his girlfriend therapist Vanessa Bennet so I was really happy to find their joint podcast. Two different perspectives. Two different styles. Really interesting. 

Desire. It’s a funny thing. This podcast may seem a little out of the norm with what I post but I think it’s important to see things from a different point of view. I can name a ton of people who experienced this. A ton who had arguments around this issue. It’s deep. Relatable and rare to know that men and women can be similar yet completely different. I always could relate more to men with this but I have known a ton of women who couldn’t. According to this only 15% of women can. 

Enjoy listening! 

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