Monday, August 2, 2021

Don’t Hold On To People Who Aren’t Good For You

I learned a lot being with him. He’s the most relaxed man I have ever dated. Very logical and to the point. He’s calm. He thinks completely differently than most people I know. 

I always felt around people I had to prove myself. I had to stick up for myself or prove my point. Not this time. I grew a lot as a person. 

I learned we can be completely different than other people and that’s ok. We can have different goals and values and priorities. We don’t need to attend every fight we are given. We don’t need others to bring out our insecurities or fears. 

I knew this before I met him and changed alot but you are the company you keep and his company really brought me to a chill, relaxed mode. A place where I am good with or without people in my life as long as I am good with myself. I didn’t need to hold on to people who didn’t bring out the best of me or who are always so combative. 

Please take the time to do this too. You don’t need to be around anyone who doesn’t value you. At our age we need to be around people who lift us up. Support us. Love us.  Accept 100% of us. Find your people!

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